Founded in 1983, Raltron Electronics Corporation has grown to become one of the most recognized and experienced manufacturers of frequency management products in the world. From simple tuning fork crystals to high stability oven controlled crystal oscillators, Raltron offers the most comprehensive line of frequency management devices in the industry.
The company’s commitment to superior research and development has served to keep it in the forefront of leading edge crystal and oscillator technologies. Today, Raltron provides high performance frequency control solutions that meet and exceed customer expectations in terms of price, quality, applications engineering, and customer support.
Raltron’s broad line of frequency management products are delivered to its worldwide customers through thirteen subsidiary offices, strategically located close to key customers and markets. The company’s global production and administrative organization of over 600 employees is dedicated to this worldwide customer base. All Raltron employees are committed to a continuing pursuit of quality and excellence. This philosophy has kept Raltron in a leadership position through years of uninterrupted growth.

Clock Oscillators, Crystals, SAW Devices